Monday 20 June 2016

New Arrival?

Saturday was supposed to be a routine inspection - and indeed it was.  Checked Miriam's hive - all fine.  Checked the now vacant #2 hive (formerly the Kingdom of Florence) - also fine.  I can see that there are three queen cells in hive #2 - I may need to reduce this down to one (though there is a post coming shortly, about that).

Checked the nucleus - all fine.  I decided to take a photo of one of the queen cells in the nucleus, as I think it's the best example yet of what a queen cell should look like.  So, here we are:

BUT... there was something that I didn't spot at the time - in fact I only noticed when I was reviewing the photo for today's blog.  Two things, in fact.  Firstly, the slight discoloration around the bottom of the cell.  Secondly, I'd expect the bottom of the cell to be rounded, but it looks flat, with a slight jagged edge.  The discoloration is because the workers have been chewing at the end of the cell - they do this a couple of days before the queen emerges, so that there is less wax for her to bite through.  But the clincher for me is the flat, slightly jagged edge - I think the end has been cut off the cell.  And, if I'm right, that means that I have a new queen!

Now, I really want to go over to the apiary and check the nucleus.  But, it's been raining continuously in Bath for the last 24 hours.  It's due to stop around 3pm - if it does, I will head over and double-check.  There may be news of a royal birth...!

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