Wednesday 21 March 2018

It's Spring!

Yesterday was the vernal equinox, which means that from today the days are longer than the nights.  So it's spring, and that means beekeeping!

Actually, there was only one job today - but an important one - remove the mouse guards from the hives.  The bees are starting to bring in pollen from the early flowering trees (blackthorn and cherry), and I don't want them to accidentally knock it off their legs as they pass through the small-ish holes in the mouse guards.  So, the mouse guards have been duly removed.  Here's a quick before-and-after:

... and after!

I also had a chance to pop over to Sydney Buildings to take a look at the new ZEST hive.  Here's a picture of it with the roof off, and all the new frames:

... And with the roof on:

We just need to get some bees in there, now!  I have a plan for that...

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