Apologies I've taken so long to provide any updates - this was due to a change in email platforms, which was a bit complex to sort out. Email notifications are now fixed (hooray!) so I can share the good news about this year's honey harvest:
Note the re-brand - fancy new honey labels designed by Mrs Beekeeper! It's been a bumper crop this year - actually, my best ever. Totals for each hive were as follows:
- Hive #1 - 60 jars
- Hive #2 - 46 jars
That's a whopping 106 jars, which I am very pleased about.
It's been a fairly straightforward beekeeping year, without any real dramas - the bees have been very busy, and don't seem to have had any time for any shenanigans. One change - back in June, Christina (formerly of hive #1) was moved into her 'retirement home' in the nucleus, to prevent her from swarming. Hive #1 then made some queen cells, which I thinned down to one, and the new queen hatched at the end of June. I have yet to get a photograph of her, but hopefully that will be coming soon. And of course, she will need a new name. So, more to come about the new queen of hive #1 later this month.
Wooohoooo! Brilliant.